Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The University Library of Copenhagen... WOW!!!

WOW!! Says it all.
These are images that I found of the Univerity of Copenhagen Library that I found whilst I was surfing Flickr.
It looks like a beautiful library and one day I hope to see it in person. The architecture looks amazing and it must have very very very very very very high ceilings (especially for me as I am a little shortie). It also has those VERY COOL ladders that run along the shelves.
After much blogging searchin I also found a cool (but un-library related) blog about cake wrecks... you need to check it out, there is a cool catchy song with a cat and all. Just search "cake wrecks".
Bye for now,


lionkel said...

Looks great - what fantastic pictures.

Keep up the good work!


Unknown said...

Woo Hoo !!! Just gorgeous